




  1. Pre Matric Hostels:

No. of SW Hostels in the District                                         :             80

No. of Boys Hostels in the District                                      :             39

No. of Girls Hostels in the District                                      :             41

Sanctioned boarders strength 2019-20                             :         8000

Admitted strength 2019-20                                                 :         Admissions are in progress

Facilities in SW Hostels:-

Every Students will be provided 4 pairs of dresses, stationary items, plate, glass, bed sheet, carpet as per the scale.


Amenities to the Students w.e.f.1-7-2018.



Subject Existing Charges Enhanced Charges with effect from  05-06-2018 (vide G.O.Ms.No.83) w.e.f 1-7-2018





Cosmetic Charges

Class III – VI Rs. 50 for Boys,

Rs.55 for Girls

Rs. 100 for Boys,

Rs. 110 for Girls

Class VII Rs. 50forBoys, Rs. 55 for Girls Rs. 125forBoys

Rs. 160 (125+35) for Girls

Class      VIII               b above Rs. 50 for Boys

Rs. 75 for Girls

Rs. 125 for Boys

Rs. 160 (125+35) for Girls

2 Hair Cut Charges Boys

Class III onwards

Rs. 12/- per month Rs. 30/- per month
3 Stitching Charges (For Pre-Matric

6 Residential school students)

Rs. 40/- per pair Rs. 80/- per pair
4 Diet Charges III & IV Prematric Hostels Rs.750/- Rs.1000/-
 5 Diet Charges V,VI & VII Prematric Hostels Rs.750/- Rs.1000/-
 6 Diet Charges VIII, IX & X Prematric Hostels Rs.850/- Rs.1250/-





Subject Existing Charges Enhanced Charges with effect from  05-06-2018 (vide G.O.Ms.No.83) w.e.f 1-7-2018
1 Inter Level & Above (Hostels

( Post Matric for SC/ST Group -1 Course students only)

Rs. 1200  


 2 Hostels (Post Matric excluding SC/ST Group -1 course students and Residential Schools Rs.1050/-


2019-20  distribution of materials to the boarders

Uniform Cloth:  For the year 2019-20, the uniform cloth from APCO not received so far. Soon on receipt of cloth 4 pairs of uniforms will be stitched and distributed to the Boarders.

Note Books: For the year 2019-20, the indent for note books have been placed to the Director of Social Welfare, AP, Amaravathi. Note Books  not received so far. Soon on receipt of Note Books will be distributed to the Boarders.

1.Post Matric Departmental attached College Hostels:

No. of SC College Hostels in the District                            :              23

No. of College Boys Hostels in the District                       :              11

No. of College Girls Hostels in the District                       :              12

Sanctioned boarders strength  2019-20                            :          2300

Admitted strength 2019-20                                                  :         Admissions are in progress


Diet Charges @Rs.  1400/- per month per boarder for the courses from Intermediate to PG & all other professional courses.

2.Amenities to the Students w.e.f.1-7-2018

Sl.No Cosmetic/Hair Cut Charges Amount
1 Cosmetic Charges Rs. 125 for Boys

Rs. 160 ( 125 + 35) for Girls

2 Hair Cut Charges Rs.30/-

SWS1    SWA2


  • NEW SCHEME: – In this scheme, SC students studying in 5th Class to 8th Class in Government, Aided School Childrens eligible. Parents Income shall  be below 2 Lakhs per annum only. Scholarships for Boys Rs.1000/- per annum & for Girls Rs.1500/- per annum will be given.
  • NTR Vidya Joythi –  In this scheme, SC students studying in 9th Class & 10th Class for in Government, Aided School Childrens eligible.   Parents Income shall be below Rs. 2.00 Lakhs per annum only. Scholarships for both Boys and Girls.Rs.2250 /- per annum will be given. The online system of these schemes through Jnanabhumi portal ( in the State successfully.
  • For SW Hostels Classes 9th & 10th boarders will be given pre-matric scholarships @ 4500/- per annum.

Post  Matric  Scholarship  Scheme  (PMS)  is being implemented on “Saturation  Basis”  among  the  SC /ST/BC/EBC/Minority/Physically  Challenged  communities  to  pursue  higher  studies.    The scheme   applies to all universities & its affiliated colleges whose admission process   is   regulated/administered   by   the   State   Government.      Under  the  Saturation  basis  all  eligible  students  whose  family  income is less than Rupees One Lakh per annum shall be covered  under the PMS scheme.

The Scheme of Post   Matric Scholarship shall include Reimbursement of Tuition fee (RTF) payable to colleges on Quarterly basis and Maintenance charges (MTF)payable to the  Students Bank Accounts on a monthly basis.

2018-19 Registrations  & releases    

Sl No Details of the scheme                                             Post Matric Scholarship Total No.of Students No . Sanctioned Amount
( Rs in Lakhs)
 1  POST MATRIC SCHOLARSHIP 29137 20969 2298.22


The online system of above scheme through jnanabhumi portal ( running successfully in the State.

  1. Best Available Schools Scheme
  • Best Availbale Schools Scheme (Residential):

The Government has introduced “BEST AVAILABLE SCHOOL SCHEME” and sanctioned 350 seats to this District. Under this scheme the sc students will be selected for 5th class were selected by the Director of Social welfare through common entrance test system. An amount of Rs. 30,000/-  per annum per student per annum will be given to the Institutions concerned towards Lodging, Boarding, Uniforms, Books(Note Books & Text Books), Shoes, socks, etc., The  Admissions under Best Available Scheme (Residential) is under progress for the academic year 2019-20.

  • Best Available Schools Scheme (Non Residential):

The Government have introduced a new scheme BEST AVAILABLE SCHOOL (non Residential ) and sanctioned 200 seats to this district. Under this scheme, The sc children those who are interested to admit in 1st Class in Best Available Schools will be selected by the director of social welfare through electronic lottery system. For which an amount of up to Rs.20000/- per annum per each student will be given to the BAS school towards Tuition Fee, Uniform, Books & Stationery, Shoes, Socks, etc..

The  Admissions under Best Available Scheme ( Non Residential) is under progress for the academic year 2019-20.

  1. Stipends to Trainee Advocates.

Every year 8 SC law graduates will be selected for training under Administration of Justice by the Public Prosecutors/ Assistant Public Prosecutors in the district for 3 years. The selected candidates will be given Rs. 1000/- per month per student towards stipend and Rs. 6000/-towards purchase of Books & furniture. During, 2018-19 8 SC advocates were selected under this scheme. 18 Renewal students are still continuing for 2018-19.

Sl No Details of the scheme No . Sanctioned

(Fresh+ Renewal)

No of beneficiaries existing Amount sanctioned so far
 1 SC Advocates 24 24 0.98 Lakhs

     For the year 2019-20, the notification for trainee Advocates will be issued in the month of July’2019.

  1. Ambedkar Overseas Scholarship

Students from the SC community are often handicapped because of their extreme backwardness and social stigma to access the benefit of pursuing education abroad to better their lives.  Hence, Government have introduced New scheme “Ambedkar Overseas scholarships”. The maximum age limit under this scheme is 35 years. Parents annual income shall not exceed Rs. 6.00Lakhs per annum.

Countries eligible under the Scheme:

USA, UK,  Australia,  Canada,  Singapore,  Germany, New  Zealand,  Sweden,  Netherlands,  France, Denmark, Russia, Philippines, Kazakhstan and China (Philippines, Kazakhstan and China only for medicine).

Scholarship Amount to be sanctioned under this scheme:

A total amount of Rs.15,00,000/- will be given to the students towards  tution fee in two (2) installments. In addition to tution fee students entitled to get one way  Air Ticket (lower fair) & the Visa fee.

No, of students benefitted under this scheme during 2018-19 so far :

Sl No Details of the scheme No . Sanctioned No of beneficiaries Amount
( Rs in Lakhs)
1 Ambedkar Overseas Scholarship 3 3 30

  1. Skill up Gradation:

Most of the SC students due to their extreme backwardness, poor knowledge of English and other disabilities are often unable to perform up to the mark in the qualifying exams. With a view equip to the students with requisites skills by providing them the benefit of coaching for the above exams the Department has introduced the Scheme “Coaching to the SC students for Eligibility Tests such as TOEFL/ IELTS and GRE/GMAT and other admissions in Foreign Universities”

@    All SC students whose family income is less than 2.00 Lakhs per annum are eligible.

@    Graduates/ Degree final year students are eligible to apply.

@    The students will be provided coaching in reputed institutes selected by the State Level Committee.

10.NTR Vidyonnathi :

Government of Andhra Pradesh has introduced a new scheme “NTR Vidyonnathi” for providing Professional Guidance for Civil Services Examinations for SC & ST students in the State of Andhra Pradesh by sponsoring selected SC & ST Students to the reputed institutes vide G.O.Ms.No.2 SW(Edn.1)Dept., 17-1-2015 & G.O.Ms.No.10 TW(Edn) Dept., 3-2-2015.

The selected candidates will be given coaching in reputed institutions  in the Country like Civil Services conducted by the UPPSC and other state level competition exams conducted by the APPSC. .



A candidate must have attained the age of 21 years and must not have attained the age of 37 years. In case of disabled candidates (VH/HH/OH), upper age limit is 42 years.

Income ceiling:

Annual family income shall not exceed Rs.6.00 lakhs.

How to apply:

Eligible candidates who wish to apply have to submit their applications through ONLINE mode only by login into

11)Corporate Colleges Scheme :

Government have introduced this scheme for providing access to quality education to meritorious poor students belonging to the SC/ST/BC/MW communities who have secured more than 400 marks (GPA 7 above) in the SSC examination for selection of admission in to reputed colleges in the private sector at the Intermediate level at anywhere in the state, to enable them to compete in competitive examinations such as IITJEE/AIEEE/EAMCET, to secure seats in premier medical and engineering institutions. During 2019-20, the Corporate College Scheme admissions are in progress.

12)0-100 units (Free Power Electrical Scheme)

Government have introduced this scheme for the payment of electricity charges for 100 units in respect of the eligible SC & ST households , consuming power up to (125) Units per month.

Social Welfare Department Phone Numbers & Mails

Si.No Name of the Officer Designation Cell Number Mail .Address
1 J.R.Lakshmi Devi Deputy Director 9849903590
2 S.Pratap Suryanarayana Reddy District Social Welfare Officer 9494963579
3 B.Suseel Kumar Superintendent  -A 7799141999
4 I.Srinivas Babu Superintendent  -B 9949686306
5 P.GOPALA KRISHNA Assistant Social Welfare Officer,Eluru 9440141758
6 G.MANGA RATNAM Assistant Social Welfare Officer,Chintalapudi 9440449946
7 CH.NAGSWARA RAO Assistant Social Welfare Officer, Tadepalligudem 9441267162
8 T.SOLMON RAJU Assistant Social Welfare Officer , Koyylagudem 9849903589
9 T.SOLMON RAJU(FAC) Assistant Social Welfare Officer , Kovvur 9849903589
10 P.NAGASAYAMMA Assistant Social Welfare Officer, Tanuku 9666155313
11 D.SURESH KUMAR Assistant Social Welfare Officer, Bhimavaram 7989911562
12 N.A.MANGATAYARU Assistant Social Welfare Officer, Undi 9912854313
13 ONV SURESH BABU Assistant Social Welfare Officer, Poduru 9491014578
14 P. BAGAVATH GEETHA Assistant Social Welfare Officer, Narasapuram 9866792105

Social welfare activities websites

  1. Social Welfare Hostel Website:
  2. Scholarships Premetric & Postmetric Website :
  3. Best Availbale Schools Scheme (Residential) & (Non Residential):
  4. Corporate Colleges Scheme :
  5. Ambedkar Overseas Scholarship Website :
  6. Skill up Gradation TOEFL/ IELTS and GRE/GMAT and other admissions in Foreign Universities” :
  7. NTR Vidyonnathi” for providing Professional Guidance for Civil Services Examinations for SC & ST students :
  8. Pension to Dappu Artists and Traditional Cobblers :