
Rural Development (DWMA)



DWMA has been created as a separate establishment by bifurcating from DRDA in the year 2002 exclusively to look after development of Human resources and Natural resources on Water shed basis.

The chairman of the Project is District Collector and the Project is looked after by Project Director.


MGNREGS scheme in West Godavari District aims to enhance livelihood security in rural areas of 48 Mandals by providing 100 days of wage employment in a financial year to every House hold whose adult members volunteer to do unskilled manual work.

Another aim of MGNREGS is to create durable assets like Roads, Canals, Ponds etc., Labour – intensive tasks like creating infrastructure for water harvesting, drought relief and flood control are preferred. The implementing agencies are 909 Gram Panchayats of West Godavari District.





Project Name
Land Development Project in fallow lands of SC/ST (LDP-F-SC/ST)
Sub Sl.No. Sub-work Name
1 Juliflora Clearance with stumps removal
2 Bush Clerance with stumps removal
3 Boulder Removal
4 Stone Bund
5 Terracing in Hill / slope areas
6 Land levelling
7 Boundry Trench with 1.00m depth
8 Farm Pond
9 Desilting of Farm pond
10 Silt application
11 Compost Pit
12 Mini Percolation Tank in farmer’s lands
13 Deep Ploughing
14 Cultivator ploughing (Tillering)
15 Application of Red Soil in saline soils
Land Development Project in low productive cultivable lands in rainfed areas of SC/ST (LDP-C-SC and ST)
1 Boundry Trench with 1.00m depth
2 Terracing in hilly slopes of ITDA areas only
3 Land levelling
4 Farm Pond
5 Desilting of Farm pond
6 Silt application
7 Compost Pit
8 Desilting and Deepening of existing Open Well
9 Provision of ring wells at shallow depths for irrigation
10 Strengthening of field bunds
11 Compost pits in back yards
12 Threshing Floors in all the farmers lands who can provide 2 to 3 cents of land/ Raising of existing Threshing Yards
13 Silt application to Horticulture Gardens aged up to 5 years
14 Application of Red Soil in saline soils
15 De silting of shallow open wells (Nela Nuyyi) in coastal mandals


Land Development Project in fallow lands of SF and MF (LDP-F-SF and MF)
1 Juliflora Clearance with stumps removal
2 Bush Clerance with stumps removal
3 Boulder Removal
4 Stone Bund
5 Terracing in Hill / slope areas
6 Land levelling
7 Boundry Trench with 1.00m depth
8 Farm Pond
9 Desilting of Farm pond
10 Silt application 1st year
11 Compost Pit
12 Deep Ploughing
13 Application of Red Soil in saline soils
Land Development Project in low productive cultivale lands in rainfed areas of SF and MF (LDP-C-SF and MF)
1 Boundry Trench with 1.00m depth
2 Land levelling
3 Farm Pond
4 Desilting of Farm pond
5 Surface Storage Pond
6 Silt application
7 Compost Pit
8 Provision of ring wells at shallow depths for irrigation
9 Strengthening of field bunds
10 Compost pits in back yards
11 Threshing Floors in all the farmers lands who can provide 2 to 3 cents of land/ Raising of existing Threshing Yards
12 Silt application to Horticulture Gardens aged up to 5 years
13 Application of Red Soil in saline soils
14 De silting of shallow open wells (Nela Nuyyi) in coastal mandals


Land Development in society lands in Lanka Areas (Permitted in Class B lands of lanka areas in selected mandals of West Godavari, Guntur, Krishna and West Godavari districts)
1 Juliflora Clearance with stumps removal
2 Bush Clerance with stumps removal
3 Land levelling
4 Boundry Trench with 1.00m depth
5 Farm Pond
6 Silt application
7 Compost Pit


Open Well Project in ground water potential areas for SC/ST and SF/MF
1 Digging of new open well
2nd year Silt application Project for SC/ST
1 Silt application
2nd year Silt application Project for SFandMF
1 Silt application
SMC trenches project in existing Horituclture Gardens of SC/ST, SFandMF in rainfed areas
1 SMC trenches in existing Horituclture Gardens of SC/ST, SF and MF in rainfed areas with 1.00m
Compost Manure Project (CMP)
1 NADEP Compost pit



Horticulture Plantation Project (HPP)
1 Raising of Horticulture Plantations (Dry land and MIP)(Species: Mango, Cashew,Sweet Orange, Guava, Sapota, Jamun, Tamarind, Coconut, Karnda, Acid lime, Oil Palm, Seethaphal)
2 Trench cutting for MIP in Horticulture Plantation
3 Raising of coconut plantation along the periphery of fields
4 Vegetable Cultivation in identified GPs


Mahatma Gandi Ground Water Recharge Project (MGRP) in OE and critical ground water basins and driniking water scarcity villages
1 Recharge of driedup open well
2 Staggered trenches
3 Water Absorption trench at foot hills
4 Mini percolation Tank in community lands
5 Percolation Pond
6 Percolation Tank
7 Recharge structure to bore wells
8 Rain water Harvesting structure in BC soils
9 Breach closing to existing percolation tanks
10 New Check Dam


Drainage Line Treatment Project (DLTP)
1 Staggered trenches
2 Water absorption trench in near foot hills
3 Mini Percolation Tank in community lands
4 Percolation Pond
5 Percolation Tank
6 Deepening and Improvements to existing check dams
7 Deepening and Improvements to existing percolation tanks
8 Rain water Harvesting structure in BC soils
9 Breach closing to existing percolation tanks


MI Tank Project (MIRP)
1 Excavating of the peripheral trench along the boundary of MI tank in foreshore
2 Revetment to bund
3 Repairs to surplus weir
4 Repairs to sluice
5 Restoration of Irrigation Tanks
6 Breach closing to MI tank
7 Construction of Cattle Ramps in MI tanks


Afforestation Project (ATP)
1 Avenue Plantation
2 MGVN Bund plantation
3 Cattle proof trench
4 Barren Hill Afforestation ( 1st year and 2nd year)
5 Const. of Pedestal for Water Tank
6 Foreshore babool plantation in MI tanks
7 Block Plantation (1st year and 2nd year)
8 Raising of Indiramma Patch Toranam Plantation (IPT)
9 Harivillu under Institutional Plantation
10 Institutional Plantation with IPT benefeciaries
11 Raising of Farmer Nursery 2013-14
12 Raising of Misc.Species Nurseries by Disabled farmers
13 Raising of Peoples Nursery
14 Raising of Peoples Plantation
15 Raising of Teak nursery by DWMA
16 Thati Vanalu
17 Raising of Homestead plantation 2015-16
18 Raising of Block Plantation in community lands


Live Stock related works
1 Fodder/Water trough for cattle
2 Raising of perinnial fodder
3 Raising of silvi pasture with subabul plantation
4 Construction of 3 MT capacity Silo pit


Sericulture Plantation Project
1 Development of Mulberry Bush Plantation


Land Development Project in community lands
1 Bush clearance/Juliflora Clearance
2 Staggered Trench
3 Water absorption trench at foot hills
4 Cattle Proof Trench
5 Farm Pond
6 Mini percolation tank
7 Levelling of burial grounds
8 Levelling of SC/ST/others colonies housing sites
9 Filling of low lying areas in Housing colonies/village common areas


Public Instituion Development Project (PIDP)
1 Recharge of dried up bore well
2 Roof water Harvesting and Recharge structure
3 Formation of Internal roads in Schools
4 Compost pits in back yards
5 Digging of Dumping yards in Residential Schools
6 Digging of pess pools
7 Formation of Play fields
8 Levelling of Public Institutions
9 Excavation of Pheriperal trench
10 Institutional Plantations
11 Block plantations
12 Avenue Planatation


Irrigation Drains and Irrigation Channels Project (IDICP)
1 New Field Channel
2 Desilting of Existing Feeder Channel
3 Desilting of Existing Field Channel
4 Desilting of Existing Irrigation Minor Drains
5 Desilting of major canals and drains
6 Desilting of minor distributory channels
7 Closure of Breaches to feeder channels
8 Removal of Kikkersa from canals leading to Kolleru lake
9 Removal of Gurrapu dekka in drains, canals, Drinking water tanks, Rajaka tanks, cattle ponds





In West Godavari District the entire cultivable land is under crop coverage. In view of this the digging of Farm Ponds are taken up mainly to harvest the rain water during the rainy season to augment the Ground Water.


SI No Inner pit measurement(Length X Width X Depth)mts) Required  Area (in Cents) Expenditure (Rs.) Provided Mandays Water storage capacity
1 5*5*2 2.83 30,281 126 98,000
2 10*10*2 5.7 70,521 339 2,88,000
3 15*15*2 8.03 1,32,190 660 5,78,000
4 20*20*2 15.2 2,14,358 1104 9,68,000


The Average rainfall in the district is 100 cms and the average rainy days are 50 in a year. The Farm Pond can be filled 10 times in a year. Nearly one lakh liters of rain water can be stored at a time. Thus 10 lakhs liters can be stored in a year out of which 50% can be percolated in to the ground, 40% may be evaporated and 10% is utilized for the agriculture needs by the Farmers. The District upland area is irrigated mainly through Bore Wells. Hence stabilization of the ground water table is very essential. Thus the need of the Farm Ponds become more essential to the Farmers to increase the ground water table and also to utilize the water during the dry spells especially for vegitable and plantation crops


Soil Moisture Conservation Works

Boundary Trenches: The Boundary Trench work is taken up in the rainfed cultivable fallow lands of SC/ST/Small/Marginal Farmers along the Boundary of the fields with measurement of 2*1*1 mts (length, width, depth). The bund can be strengthened across the boundary with the earth excavated from the Boundary Trenches. This will provide percolation of rain water not only in the trenches but also in the entire field as it slowdown the run-off and increase the percolation. The Farmer can raise bund plantation and earn additional income from the land.


SMC Trench: Soil Moisture Conservation Trenches can be taken up in the rainfed plantation areas to harvest the rain water in to the trenches formed in the inter crop ground area. This will increase the soil moisture, also retains the fertility of the soil. These trenches will be formed across the slope with the size of 4*1*1 mts. 50 trenches can be formed in 1 acre of existing Horticulture plantations. The upland area of West Godavari District is covered with mostely plantation crops like mango, cashew, coconut, oil palm, acid line etc. Hence SMC Trenches work is useful to the Farmers in the region.


Percolation Tank


In West Godavari District in some mandals the Hilly and Slopy area is available. During the rainy sesason the run-off is rapid and some times damage the crops at the saplings stage. This causes loss to the farmers as they have to re-sown the crop again and input cost will also be increased. The digging of a percolation tank to take the run-off and to store the water that can be utilized for the irrigation of fields in the catchment area is useful to the Farmer. The percolation tank work can be taken in the extent of 10 acers to 50 acers depending on the availability of land and run-off. It will also increase the ground water level and recharge the bore wells in sorroundings.




The Check dam can be constructed on the 2nd and 3rd order streams, where the bund on either side has more height and strength.  These will stop the running water and can divert the water to the fields on either side of the stream. The Check Dam works were taken up in the ITDA Mandals of Polavaram, Buttayagudem, Jeelugumilli and also in some Upland mandals where the streams and rivulets are more. The Check Dams constructed previously can also be repaired with MGNREGS funds to make them functional and useful to the farmers.  The Check Dam will also increase the recharge of Ground Water.




The West Godavari District has large number of small tanks which are utilizing for the purpose of Drinking Water to the Villagers and also to the Cattle population.  Apart from that fish will be grown in these tanks which will give additional income to the Gram Panchayats to take up the development works and also maintenance of exsisting ones. Some tanks are catered to the Washer men Community to wash the clothes of the village.  Due to this removal of silt deposited in these tanks to increase the storage capacity and also to strengthen bunds is very useful to the entire village.  Hence, these 3 types of works are taken up in all the villages of West Godavari District. r1r2r3r4



In West Godavari District Upland Area, Minor Irrigation Tanks are one of important source for irrigation. These tanks are filled with water during rainy season and farmers utilise the water during dry season to irrigate the crops.  The development of Cascade of Tanks by taking up desilting of Feeder Channels, Distributary Channels, deepening and bund strengthening of M.I.Tanks works are taken up under MGNREGS. This will increase the storage capacity of tanks, water reached to the tail end lands under the tank,  reduces the inundation of fields during heavy rains.  The excavated earth will also be utilized for the leveling of low laying areas and silt application works.




The Land Development Work can be taken up in the Fallow, Rainfed irrigated lands of SC, ST, Small and Marginal farmers.  The leveling of lands, Bush Clearance, Stumps removal, Boulder removal, Stone bunding etc., type of tasks are taken up to covert the land suitable for cultivation and also to increase the productivity. In the Upland Mandals of West Godavari in the barren, sloppy lands of the SC, ST, Small and Marginal farmers land development works are taken up to make the lands suitable for cultivation of variety of cash crops like Maize, Cotton, Tobbaco, Plantation Crops like Acid Lime Guava, Cashew etc.,.







In the Delta Region of West Godavari District Irrigation Channels, Drains are important for the Canal Irrigation System.  The removal of silt in these Field Channels, Feeder Channels, Minor Distributaries, Minor Drains and also Formation of New ones are taken up on large scale under MGNREGS.  This will faciitate optimum utilization of water and the tail end lands also irrigated without any hindrance.  MGNREGS reduces difficulties of the Farmers and also increase the utilization of water more effectively






The West Godavari Upland area is suitable for the Plantation crops.  The Plantation crops like Cashew, Mango, Acid Lime, Oil Palm, Coconut, Guava, Orange etc., are taken up under MGNREGS in the land of SC, ST, Small and Marginal Farmers to increase the productivity of the Land and also to increase the income to the Farmers.  Apart from that it also provides Wage Employment to the wage seekers




Under Avenue Plantation, a variety of Fruit bearing, Flower and shade plants are planted on Road margins, Canal Bunds and Tanks bunds in the villages to provide shade to the villagers, for beautification of the surroundings, protect the environment and also give additional income to the Gram Panchayats.

Year No.of Plants per KM Wages Material Total Mandays
Total 400 132820 233868 354437 684
1st 53100 129201 182301 273
2nd 40000 45000 85000 211
3rd 38808 46976 85784 200





A veriety of fruit bearing, flowering and shade plants are grown in the premises of the Public Institutions to protect the environment, for beautification of the surroundings and also generate income to the institutions. Institutional plantation can be taken up in premises of all the Government offices, Schools, AWC, PHC, Temples, Burrial Grounds etc, on a campain mode under MGNREGS.













The construction of SWPC for safe  disposal of  Solid waste and also to create wealth out  of   the  waste by segregation of  wet and dry  waste  and converting the waste  into vermi  compost.

Types of SWPCs :


Type Population Size Estimate cost
Micro Below 2,000 20X30 3.50 lakhs
Mini 2,000 – 5,000 20X50 4.50 lakhs
Medium 5,000-9,000 30X50 5.50 lakhs
Large 9,000 above 40X50 9.00 lakhs





Rural Connectivity


Road connectivity is the primary requirement to the villagers to have access to other places to take up business activities, to get the services provided by the central and state government, to transport the agriculture produce to the markets etc. Under MGNREGS approach Roads to agriculture fields, approach roads to public institutions, burial grounds, gravel roads, WBM roads are taken up to improve the road connectivity in rural areas and to cater the needs of villagers. r1r2



Works can be taken up under Convergence (DCCs)

Infrastructure Development:

I. Panchayat Raj Engineering Dept (PRED):-


  1. Formation of Internal roads and Drains in SC/ST Colonies (CC Roads)
  2. Pucca Internal roads in villages
  • WBM roads connecting to unconnected Habitation and Main Roads.
  1. GP Buildings where there is no GP buildings
  2. Food grain storage buildings (godowns)
  3. Anganwadi centres
  • Crematoria / Burial grounds (Swargapuri)
  • Play fields
  1. Under Ground drainage System
  2. Minor Irrigation Dept:-
  3. Comprehensive Restoration of available MI Tanks.
  4. De-silting of Tanks
  • Foreshore trench and plantation
  1. Cattle Ramps to MI Tanks
  2. Construction of check dams and percolation tanks


Education Dept:-
Leveling of School grounds

Productivity Enhancement

  1. Agriculture Dept:-
  2. Threshing Platforms
  3. Farm mechanization (IWMP)
  4. Custom hiring centres ( CHC)
  5. Implement service stations (ISS)
  6. Individual high cost machinery
  7. Vermi – Composite units
  8. Vermi Hatchery
  9. Land leveling
  10. Silt Application
  11. De-silting of Farm pond
  12. Application of Red soil in saline Soil.
  13. Animal Husbandry Dept:-

Perennial Fodder
Drinking Water Troughs

  • Silvi Pasture
  1. Poultry /Goat/Dairy Shelters
  2. Azolla preparation
  3. Silo pits
  • Tank Bed Fodder
  • Cattle/Goat/Sheep Troughs
  1. Animal Hostel
  2. Horticulture Dept:-
  3. Robber/Coffee/Bamboo Plantations
  4. Raising of Cashew Nurseries
  5. Mango Plantation
  6. Coconut Plantation
  7. Vegetable cultivation in limited extent
  8. Sericulture Dept:-
  9. Mulberry Cultivation
  10. Tassar Host Plantations
  11. Fisheries Dept:-
  12. Fish drying yards in seashore villages
  13. Excavation on New Fish breeding ponds
  • Storage Buildings
  1. Forest Dept:-

Plan to take up plantation Programme in Common Property Resource (CPR) lands such as


  • Block Plantation
  • Barren Hill Afforestation
  • Barren Hill AfforestationPeripheral / Cattle proof trenches in the forest boundaries
  • Construction of check dams/Percolation tanks in forest areas
  • Construction Water Absorption trenches ( Staggered trenches, CCTs etc.)




Sl. No Designation Working Place Mobile No Email ID
1 Project Director Eluru HQ 9000120789
2 Addl.PD Eluru HQ 7093997890
3 AO EGS Eluru HQ 9701375239
4 APD Bhimavaram 9704600517
5 APD Eluru 9704600545
6 APD Chintalapudi 7093896587
7 APD Jangareddigudem 9177301094
8 APD Tanuku 9908356477